RStudio workbench is a fantastic development platform for your data science teams. Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed machine learning service. With SageMaker, data scientists and developers can quickly and easily build and train machine learning models, and then directly deploy them into a production-ready hosted environment.

RStudio on SageMaker from Amazon Web Services (AWS), simplifies the maintenance and management of RStudio environments.

Take a look into our demo on RStudio workbench on SageMaker, where we talk about how RStudio users in an organization can leverage the power of SageMaker to accelerate the development of their machine learning models and workflows.

Following are the benefits of using RStudio on SageMaker:

  • This solution greatly reduces the admin overhead for an organization managing their own RStudio environment, leading to lower costs.
  • The scalable nature of SageMaker provides data scientists with greater flexibility in managing their compute requirements which in turn will lead to greater productivity.
  • Accelerated development of machine learning models and workflows, using R.
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Published On: September 12th, 2022 / Categories: AI & ML, R Studio, SageMaker /