We have leveraged Amazon SageMaker to perform our model training and inference. You can leverage SageMaker's powerful GPU infrastructure to build, train, and deploy machine learning models for any use case with fully managed infrastructure, tools, and workflows


In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, enterprises must keep their software systems up-to-date and adaptable. Large language models like CodeLlama play a crucial role in this by enabling legacy system modernization and cross-platform development.

Large language models like CodeLlama can help modernize legacy codebases by translating them from languages like Java to Python, saving time and resources. Additionally, they can help streamline cross-platform development by converting core logic written in one language to target languages for different platforms, thus accelerating development cycles, promoting code consistency, and reducing platform-specific bugs

What is Code Llama?

CodeLlama is a code specialised version of Llama 2 that was created by further training Llama 2 on its code specific datasets. CodeLlama can generate code and natural language about code.

There are three types of models of Llama for various purposes namely Code Llama, Code Llama-Python and Code Llama-Instruct. All three versions of Code Llama is available in four sizes with 7B, 13B, 34B and 70B parameters addressing different serving and latency requirements.

The Challenge of Language Conversion

Each programming language has its own set of conventions, idioms, and paradigms, which can pose challenges during the translation process. Nuanced language constructs, such as exception handling mechanisms, loop structures, and built-in functions, demand a sophisticated approach to ensure accurate translation.

Considering these challenges, refining the code translation process with a focus on real-world data, we are aiming to enhance the outputs of Code Llama in Java to Python conversion.

In this blog, we have leveraged Amazon SageMaker to fine-tune a 7 billion parameter, Python variant of the CodeLlama model to enhance the model responses in converting code from Java to Python.

Dataset Creation and Context Comprehension

Creating a custom dataset is crucial for producing relevant outputs for models like CodeLlama. This dataset is built by gathering and curating open-source data from various internet sources. Each entry is carefully vetted for relevance, accuracy, and diversity, making it a robust resource for Java to Python translation.

The dataset is structured around four essential columns:

  1. Java context: Provides contextual information about the Java code snippet that is being translated, including its purpose and functionality.
  2. Java code: Contains the actual Java code snippet that needs to be translated.
  3. Python context: Offers contextual information specific to the Python translation, bridging the gap between Java and Python.
  4. Python code: Presents the translated Python code corresponding to the Java snippet.

This structured format ensures our fine-tuned model produces consistent outputs, leveraging a diverse dataset with Java code snippets from various domains.

Prompt Engineering for Instruction Fine-Tuning

In addition to dataset creation, prompt engineering stands as a major factor in refining the performance of CodeLlama models. By selecting and fine-tuning prompts for instruction, we tailor the structure of the outputs that the model generates. Below is an example prompt that has been employed for training the model:
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This prompt provides a detailed code explanation and implementation in both Java and Python. Exposure to such diverse prompts helps our fine-tuned model better understand the intricacies of Java-to-Python conversion, ultimately improving its translation capabilities.

Training and Optimization

Foundational models like CodeLlama require high CPU and GPU resources. By using techniques like quantization, Fully Sharded Data Parallel (FSDP), and Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA), we optimize computational resource utilization without compromising performance.

Quantization reduces the model’s memory footprint and computational overhead, enabling efficient deployment.

LoRA improves fine-tuning by adjusting two smaller matrices that approximate the larger weight matrix, lowering the barrier to entry and achieving performance comparable to end-to-end fine-tuning without increasing inference latency.

FSDP enhances memory efficiency by sharding model parameters, gradients, and optimizer states across GPUs, improving computational efficiency by overlapping communication with forward and backward passes.

We trained CodeLlama-python-7b for five epochs, refining its parameters and internal representations to improve translation accuracy and reliability. Integrating quantization, LoRA, and FSDP into the training phase optimizes resource use and accelerates training, ensuring that CodeLlama-python-7b delivers enhanced and reliable outputs.

Demonstrating Effectiveness Through a Case Study

To showcase the capabilities of the fine-tuned CodeLlama-python-7b, we present a real-world case study of successful Java-to-Python code conversions. By comparing the original Java code with its Python counterpart generated by both the base and fine-tuned models, we highlight the accuracy and fidelity of the translation process, demonstrating the model’s efficacy.

Example Prompt:

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Response from CodeLlama-python-7b (Base Model: No finetuning)

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Response from CodeLlama-python-7b (Finetuned Model)

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Fine-tuning CodeLlama-python-7b has improved Java-to-Python code conversion. Using a curated dataset, prompt engineering, and advanced training optimizations, we enhanced the model’s performance in this domain.

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Published On: July 18th, 2024 / Categories: AI & ML, Blogs, SageMaker /